Lifting Equipment
Lifting Equipment to hire or buy from Concord Lifting Equipment
Concord Lifting Equipment supply a comprehensive range of Lifting equipment for hire or sale. Products include; Electric Hoist, Gantry and Wire Rope hoist, Minifor Winches, Tirak Winch, Gine Wheel, Manual Chain Block, Ratchet Lever hoist, Manual Tirfor Winch, Mobile Gantries, Spreader Beams, Niko Track, Genie Machines, Super Hoist, Plasterboard Lifter, Floor Crane, Jacks and Manhole lifters. All lifting equipment leaving the door at Concord Lifting Equipment, be it for a hire or a sale is inspected before hand and is accompanied by a Report Of Thorough Examination, even if it is brand new! We are continuously updating our range of Lifting Equipment for hire-if we have the items in stock we offer same day collection or next day delivery throughout London and the UK

Manual Chain Hoist / Manual Chain Block
500kg to10000kg capacity with 3m height of lift with longer lengths on request
Manhole Lifter
This one person use machine makes it an economic necessity and its unique adjustability will suit all inspection hatch covers.
Lightweight Niko Track system
Whether straight or curve, indoor or out and up to 800kg safe working load, formed track section from Concord is the ideal method of installing permanent or semi permanent lightweight crane systems.
Lightweight Aluminium Gantry
The original Lightweight aluminium gantry system – with over 10 years of innovation
Hydraulic Rams, Pumps and Accessories
Detached hydraulic pump and ram sets, 5 to 100 tonne capacity with range of fittings and sizes to suit all tasks.
Hydraulic Jack
Wide variety or lifting applications.
Head/Toe Rotational Jack
One of the most requested pieces of equipment are those for jacking operations.
GIS 440-Volt 3ph Electric Chain Hoist
GIS Electric Chain Hoist, Lift heights from 6M to 30M
Gin wheel and ropes
Used on many construction sites for securing to scaffolding for lifting buckets etc up to the working area